Spiritualist Literature

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In this page you will find a list of some interesting and influential books in regard to the matter of Psychical Research freely available for download. They represent the endeavor and the abnegation of many pioneers of the movement of Modern Spiritualism. The latter along with Spiritism brought light to a variety of phenomena allowing us to have a better understanding of our own reality as immortal spirits.


Researches into the Phenomena of Spiritualism By Sir William Crookes
Publisher: Two Worlds Publishing Company Ltd.
Published: 1904 (7th Edition)
Source: International Survivalist Society

Note: This book was translated into Portuguese By Oscar D’Argonel and published by FEB - Brazilian Spiritist Federation with the title of Fatos Espíritas

Why I Believe in Personal Immortality By Sir Oliver Lodge
Publisher: Methuen
Source: International Survivalist Society

Note: This book was translated into Portuguese By Francisco Klors Werneck and published by FEESP - Spiritist Federation of São Paulo State with the title of Por Que CreioNna Iimortalidade Da Alma.

The Survival of Man By Sir Oliver Lodge
Publisher: Methuen

Source: International Survivalist Society

Raymond or Life and Death By Sir Oliver Lodge
Publisher: Methuen
Source: International Survivalist Society

Note: This book was translated into Portuguese by Monteiro Lobato and published by Edigraf, São Paulo , 1972 with the title of Raymond, Uma Prova Da Sobrevivência Da Alma .

Spirit Teachings By William Stainton Moses
Publisher: Spiritualist Press – London
Source: The Spiritualists’ National Union

Note: This book was translated into Portuguese by Oscar D’Argonnel and published by FEB - Brazilian Spiritist Federation (5º Edition) with the title of Ensinos Espiritualistas

More Spirit Teachings By William Stainton Moses
Source: The Spiritualists’ National Union

Note: “Teachings preserved in the form of notes made by Mrs. Speer, wife of the doctor at whose house the circles was held. After the passing of Stainton Moses, Mrs. Speer sent her notes to Light. From them selections have been made and are now republished”

The Life Beyond The Veil By Rev. G. Vale Owen
Publisher: Thornton Butterworth Ltd. London , 1920
Source: The Spiritualists’ National Union

Note: With an introduction by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This book was translated into Portuguese and published by FEB - Brazilian Spiritist Federation with the title of A Vida Além Do Véu.

The New Revelation By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Publisher: George H. Doran Company, New York , 1918
Source: Electronic Text Center , University of Virginia Library

Note: This book was translated into Portuguese and published by FEB - Brazilian Spiritist Federation with the title of A Nova Revelação

Planchette; or The Despair of Science By Epes Sargent
Subtitle: Being a full account of modern spiritualism, its phenomena, and the various theories regarding it. With a surveyof French Spiritism (Chapter XII).
Publisher: Roberts Brothers,
Boston , 1869.
Source: Making of America Books

Note: Among other interesting accounts, one will find in this book (Chapter III - page 57 to 80) the narratives of the materialization of the spirit of Mrs. Estelle Livermore, the wife of a well-known banker (Mr. Charles F. Livermore) from New York City , through the mediumship of Miss Kate Fox. Ernesto Bozzano in his book A Metapsíquica Humana (Portuguese, FEB Edition) describes and considers this materialization as the second most striking and indisputable amongst all. The spirit of Benjamin Franklin also materialized in this session and was seen many times during the process of these materializations which took place from April 15th, 1861 to October 21st, 1863 .

On the Edge of the Etheric By Arthur Findlay

Publisher: SNU Publications, 1931

Source: International Survivalist Society


Note: This book was translated into Portuguese and published by FEB - Brazilian Spiritist Federation with the title of

No Limiar do Etérico

Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestation By Robert Hare
Subtitle: Demonstrating the existence of spirits and their communion with mortals. Doctrine of the spirit world respecting heaven, hell, morality, and God.
Publisher: Partridge & Brittan , New York , 1855
Source: Making of America Books

Note: The author was an emeritus professor of chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania , a graduate of Yale College and Harvard University . He discovered the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe. Author of more than 150 papers on scientific subjects, writer on political and moral questions and one of the first scientific authorities to denounce early American Spiritualism in the Press.

The Vital Message By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Publisher: George H. Doran Company, New York , 1919
Source: Electronic Text Center , University of Virginia Library
The Proof Palpable of Immortality By Epes Sargent
Subtitle: Being an account of the materialization phenomena of modern spiritualism. With remarks on the relations of the facts to theology, morals, and religion.
Publisher: Colby and Rich (Second Edition), Boston , 1876
Source: Making of America Books

Note: This book was translated into Portuguese and published by FEB - Brazilian Spiritist Federation with the title of Bases Científicas do Espiritismo.

The Celestial Telegraph By Louis Alphonse Cahagnet
Subtitle: or, Secrets of the life to come, revealed through magnetism; wherein the existence, the form, and the occupations, of the soul after its separation from the body are proved by many years' experiments, by the means of eight ecstatic somnambulists, who had eighty perceptions of thirty-six deceased persons of various conditions: a description of them, their conversation, etc., with proofs of their existence in the spiritual world.
Publisher: J. S. Redfield, Rochester : D. M. Dewey, New York , 1851, First American Edition
Source: Making of America Books

Note: The author was an eminent French magnetizer and founded in December 27th, 1858 , the Spiritualists’ Magnetizer Society. This society was founded under the suggestion of the spirit of Emmanuel Swedenborg, and in March 29th, 1852 has its name changed for Swedenborgian Students Society. Zêus Wantuel and Francisco Thiesen, the latter former president of Brazilian Spiritist Federation, in their remarkable work – ALLAN KARDEC – Pesquisa Bibliográfica e Ensaios de Interpretação (FEB – 3rd Edition) identify Cahagnet along with Andrew Jackson Davis as the forerunners of the of Spiritism. At page 97 of the above book they stated: “Indeed, Cahagnet was a great worker and deserves, under all circumstances, our reverence and esteem for the light he distributed to many in spiritual need, regardless the criticism which was poured over him.”

Excerpt from the Introduction: This work will offer you the proof of a better world than ours, wherein you will live after having left your body in this, and wherein a God, infinitely good, will reward you a hundredfold for the evils it was profitable for you to suffer in this world of grief. I am about to prove to you that your relations, your friends, therein await you with impatience; that you can, although on this globe, enter into communication with them, speak to them, and obtain from them the information you deem fit; to effect this, deny not the existence of the soul, or at least strive conscientiously to obtain the proofs you desire; by somnambulism you may have as many as you please.


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Spiritist Alliance for Books

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Endearing Gems From Francisco C. Xavier
by Jussara Korngold and Marie Levinson

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And for the rest of our lives
Wallace Leal Rodrigues

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Allan Kardec

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Heaven and Hell
Allan Kardec